On July 2, 1925 the New Brunswick Eastern Association gave their unanimous approval of the organization of the Gunningsville United Baptist Church. At this time, 26 had expressed their desire to unite with the church as charter members. Following is a list of the charter members:

Mrs. J. Hazen Gunning
Mrs. Purdy Lutes
Mr. Aubrey Steeves
Mr. Hazen Steeves
Mr. S.K. Dawson
Miss Jean Watters
Mr. Joseph Collier
Miss Mae Collier
Mr. Blair Collier
Mrs. William White
Mr. William Geldart
Mrs. George Dawson
Mrs. John Wilbur
Mrs. Harry Gaskin
Mrs. W.C. Stewart
Mrs. Aubrey Steeves
Mrs. Hazen Steeves
Mrs. S.K. Dawson
Mrs. Clifford Worden
Mrs. Joseph Collier
Miss Jessie Stannard
Mrs. Elbert SteevesMrs. Frank Steeves
Mrs. William Geldart
Mr. John Wilbur
Mr. Harry Garland

Church services were held each Sunday afternoon at the home of J. Hazen Gunning until September 13, 1925, when the services were held at 11:00 a.m., 3:00 p.m., and 7:30 p.m. "Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather and the muddy roads all three services were well attended".

There were approximately 70 children in the area at this time, so at a business meeting on September 21, 1925, it was agreed that a Sunday School be organized to begin on October 4 with a Rally Day Service.

Work continued on the church, and on February 9, 1930, following Special Revival Services, the first baptism took place in the newly finished baptistry. But the church auditorium was not ready for use until June 8, 1931. On this Sunday three special services were held. Our two former pastors, Rev. D.H. Maitland and Rev. Milton Addison, along with Rev. A.K. Herman were the guest speakers. "The church, filled to capacity at each service, presented a fine appearance with new pews, electric lighting fixtures, etc."

Being concerned for our youth, an active B. Y.P.U. (Baptist Young Peoples Union) was organized, under the leadership of Miss Jessie L. Stannard, with an average attendance of 30. Also in February 1938 a Cub and Scout group was organized by Mr. J.L. McAulay.

Gunningsville Baptist Church History

Pastors of Gunningsville United Baptist Church

Rev. D.H. Maitland 1925 - 1926

Rev. Milton Addison 1926 - 1929

Rev. Gordon Beckett 1929 - 1939

Rev. Steadman Smith 1939 - 1948

Mr. John Simcox*

Rev. J.B. Messenger 1948 - 1952

Rev. A.K. Herman*

Rev. Roy Campbell*

Rev. G.D. Brydon 1953 - 1957

Rev. Roy Bell*

Rev. Seth Crowell, Sr. 1957 - 1966

Jim (Mel) Otis and Duane Berry 1959 - 1960

Rev. Elwood Bannister*

Rev. George Simpson 1967 - 1971

Rev. James Tetley*

Rev. Harold Price 1971 - 1974

Rev. William Cairns 1974 - 1980

Rev. Douglas Kinsman*

Rev. Douglas Kinsman 1981 - 1989

Rev. Jack Allan 1989-1995

Rev. Jim Shanks 1996*

Rev. Blair Holden 1997-2022

Rev. David Evans 2023*

Rev. Drew Mersereau 2023-present

*Interim Pastors

In January, 1923 Rev. D.H. Maitland became the pastor of the newly organized Surburban Baptist Church in Sunny Brae together with the Coverdale Churches. In order to keep his appointments at Middle and Lower Coverdale, 3 times a week, he was obliged to drive through a more thickly settled section, known as Gunningsville.

In the spring of 1924, after a year of travelling through this community, he realized the need and opportunity for an organized Christian work in this growing suburb. Here was a community of nearly 300 people, almost entirely Protestant, without any provision whatever for religious services in their district. Further, no minister of any other denomination had occasion to pass through this territory, in order to keep his appointments.

That summer Mr. Maitland made a thorough house to house visitation. Well received in every home by all denominations, he was able to obtain the following statistics:

Number of Baptist Families: 36

Number of Methodist Families: 12

Number of Presbyterian and other families: 17

Total: 65 Families

Rev. H.R. Boyer, Executive Secretary of the Maritime Baptist Convention, was informed of the Baptist opportunity at Gunningsville. He was favourably impressed with the suggestion to organize and build a church. Owing to the fact that a number of the Baptist people in this section were connected with the churches in the city of Moncton, Mr. Maitland also sought the approval and advice of Rev. Dr. Huntley of the First Baptist Church, and Rev. E.H. Cochrane of the Highfield Baptist Church.

It was found that not only Baptists, but friends of other denominations, without exception, recognized the imperative need of erecting a suitable building in a central location for regular religious services.

Towards the end of 1924, at the suggestion of Rev. H.R. Boyer, a committee composed of the pastors chiefly concerned, was appointed to investigate regarding an available lot for a church building. The pastors were: Dr. J.A. Huntley, as chairman, Rev. E.H. Cochrane, Rev. F.H. Bone, and Rev. D.H. Maitland. After careful investigation, this ministerial committee decided to arrange to purchase a lot from Mr. J. Hazen Gunning for $775.00.

About this time the Home Missions Board met in Moncton and Rev. Dr. Huntley, at the request of the ministerial committee, made an appeal for the loan of $775.00 to purchase the lot offered by Mr. Gunning. The members of this Board unanimously agreed to this request.

A few days later, Rev. Mr. Boyer accompanied Mr. Maitland on two evenings, in the first attempt to solicit pledges towards the purchase of the land. In this they were fairly successful.

In late January 1953, a number of our members severed their connections with our church, and were led to form the Calvary Baptist Church in Moncton.

As our church had been without a full time pastor since early fall 1952, when Rev. J.B. Messenger suffered a heart attack, we needed spiritual and pastoral leadership. In April 1953 a call was extended to Rev. G.D. Brydon, which he accepted. (It is interesting to note that this was our third call to him since 1948.)

At the request of a number of brethren from the Riverview Baptist Church, on August 11, 1955 our church agreed to hold joint services in Gunningsville and Sunday p.m. service in Riverview. On February 5, 1959 it was decided to hire a student from U.B.B.T.S. so both churches could have a Sunday a.m. service, and the evening services would alternate. This arrangement continued until July 31, 1960.

Realizing the possible need for an extension program for the church, at a business meeting on February 20, 1958 the church appointed a Survey Committee to gather information on the future housing of our church congregation. On May 29, 1958 it was decided to purchase land from Mrs. William G. Watters.

Due to the amount of repairs necessary on the old parsonage, the church voted on July 16, 1959 to construct a new parsonage on the northeast corner of the new church property, south of Government Road. The old parsonage was sold in May, 1960.

About this time a Baptist Men's Fellowship was organized for the men of our congregation. This has remained active until the present time.

During the 1960's our Sunday School continued to grow. On July 23, 1964 it was decided to rent space, equivalent of 4 rooms, at the Gunningsville School. (It is interesting to note here that Gunningsville School rented our church basement for school purposes for a number of years when our church was first built, beginning in 1926.)

Also, during the 1960's, because of the large number of young people in our church family, there were active Junior, Intermediate, and Senior B.Y.F. (Baptist Youth Fellowship) groups. (ex. 1961 - Jr. B.Y.F. - 60 members, Intermediate B.Y.F. - 30 members, and Senior B. Y.F. - 20 members.) A Boy Scout Program was organized by Cyril Ingalls in 1964. By 1965 there were 7 Rover Scouts, 15 Boy Scouts, and 8 Wolf Cubs. Our Pioneer Girl Program was introduced in 1965 with 26 members in the Pilgrim and Colonist groups, but the Christian Service Brigade was not introduced to the church until 1973.

By summer of 1967, the church saw the need for buying more land adjacent to our present property on the south side of Government Road, and voted to do so on September 14, 1967, shortly after Rev. George Simpson arrived in Gunningsville.

At the Annual Business Meeting on January 30, 1969, the Building Committee recommended that tenders be called for the commencement of the proposed First Unit. Even though the Sod Turning Ceremony for the new Christian Education building was not until August 12, 1969, we were worshipping in our new chapel by the end of 1969.

The Dedication Service was held on February 8, 1970. At this time invitations were sent to each householder in Gunningsville, inviting them to attend. Rev. Harry Renfree was the guest speaker.

The year 1975 was very important in the history of the church. We celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the founding of the Baptist work in this area. The celebration took the form of special meetings over the week-end of May 30 - June 1, including a banquet on Saturday evening. Ten of our Charter Members were seated at the head table. The theme for the week-end was "YESTERDAY, TODAY, AND TOMORROW". Rev. Roy Campbell spoke on the theme "YESTERDAY"; Dr. Keith Hobson spoke on "TODAY"; and Rev. George Simpson was the speaker on Sunday, June Ist, using the theme "TOMORROW", at the evening service.

In the fall of 1976 a new F.B.S. project began. The Teen Class embarked on an extra curricular program of Daily Devotions, book reports, and Scripture memorization. The following year this program was enlarged to include the teens and pre-teens. Successful completion of this program qualified participants for a week at camp.

On February 3, 1977 the Board of Management (BOM) concept was accepted for a period of one year. Each Board of the church was to meet separately and then as a whole in order that each committee get an over-all picture of the work of the church. The B.O.M. still meets monthly.

In January 1977 a Building Committee was established to investigate the need for additional facilities. They initiated a study and report from Church Growth International. In 1978-79 this report was prepared and received. This resulted in a period of study on church ministries and administration.

This study concluded that the following emphasis was to be implemented - Worship (1982), Family Bible School (1982), Administration - Unified Budget (1983) and Music (1984).

In December 1983 the church requested that the Nominating Committee appoint a Building Committee. On May 24, 1984 Clyde Hamilton of Chapelstone Developments Inc. presented the church congregation the conceptual drawings of a new church building, and on June 28, 1984 the church voted to embark on a Stewardship Campaign from September 12 - October 21, 1984.

Deuteronomy 8:2a "And thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God led thee." As we look to the future - Proverbs 3:5,6 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

Thanks to Bev Colpitts and Ruth MacDonald for researching and compiling this history.